Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Now for a reminder of where we started………
NASA’s pholosophical questions………
Where did we the mankind, come from?
Where are we? and
Where is our end? 
So, here is the version of Scientists, as to how this Universe came into existence.

We have seen that each galaxy has more than 400 billion stars. And there is countless number of Galaxies in this Universe.

The scientists believe that the Universe is 14 billion years old and will continue to exist for another twice this time. And space, time and the forces of nature themselves has come out of nothing. 

All distant galaxies are slightly red in color. Scientists suggest that according to an effect called Dopler shift, the Galaxies are all moving away from one another and in fact the whole universe is expanding in all directions and getting bigger and bigger like a balloon inflating. 

So to know the beginning, all we need to do is to stop time and go back into time, till all the galaxies and everything in the universe gets closer together.  In fact everything, every single thing converges to a point, 13.7 billion years ago.  Before this there was no ‘Universe’, no ‘Space’ and not even ‘Time’.

Scientists believe that the birth of our Universe took place some 13.7 billion years ago, the universe simply burst into existence in an event called the ‘big bang’. ‘The Big Bang’ is the scientific theory that is most consistent with observations of the past and present states of the universe, and it is widely accepted within the scientific community.

At the very beginning, it was just a tiny ultra hot form of Super energy, smaller than the size of an atom.  Then the big bang happened in total darkness, because light did not exist.  If we have to see it, we need some kind of cosmic night vision. But even this cannot be viewed from the outside, because space did not exist either. So there was no outside, the only place that was, was inside. 
This early universe was a very strange thing indeed, the standard concepts of time and space, does not apply here. 

Then it expanded with a tremendous gust of radiation, from, smaller than an atom, to the size of an cricket ball, in less than a trillionth of a second.  The universe simply inflated into existence, unfurling, unfolding, getting bigger and cooler at every passing moment. 

While this was happening the pure energy of this inflation began to cool and create matter in the form of countless millions of sub atomic particles. The first stuff there ever was.  Half these particles were matter, the same kind of stuff the makes us. The rest were made up of the opposite of matter called anti matter. When they both meet, they destroy each other in a flash of a second.  Fortunately there was more matter than anti-matter. Just 1 billion in a part survived, and that residue is what makes our universe.  You could say that we are made of the smoke of the big bang. 

At 10-32 seconds the temperature was 1027 degree centigrade and the Universe was a seething soup of electrons quarks and other sub atomic particleas. 

At 10-6 seconds the temperature was 1013 degree centigrade and the Universe was rapidly cooling permitting the quarks to clump into Protons and Neutrons. 

Within 100 seconds it was as big as our Solar system, trillions of miles across.  
to be continued .........

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